Letters referring to a recent article in Internal Medicine are considered for publication (subject to editing and abridgment). All rights reserved. The manuscript text should not exceed 150 words with up to 2 references. You can access the Hot Paper from here. Invited review articles have been published in the Advance Publication. and a title. Order of mention in text determines the number given to each. The Internal Medicine is an Open Access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Invited review article has been published. Internal Medicine will not accept articles, other than in the case of abstracts, in which a significant portion of the data in the form of figures and tables has been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Internal Medicine Journal is a peer-reviewed medical journal published twice each month by Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. 日本語での"internal medicine"の使い方 . McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998:684-695. The fee is applicable to all types of manuscripts. If revision is requested, the authors should respond to each suggestion and comment by the reviewers and editors when submitting the revised manuscript. Papers reporting human subjects or animals should state that the procedures followed were in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. in Chinese medicine, internal medicine発音を聞く例文帳に追加, 医学の分野で、(特に、大人の)内部器官の病気についての診断と(非外科的)治療を扱う, (the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and (nonsurgical) treatment of diseases of the internal organs (especially in adults)), a specialist in internal medicine発音を聞く例文帳に追加, His father is a doctor of internal medicine.発音を聞く例文帳に追加, Naigai Yoron (Summary of Internal and Surgical Medicine)発音を聞く例文帳に追加, a branch of medicine, called {internal physical medicine}発音を聞く例文帳に追加, Where is the Internal Medicine Department?発音を聞く例文帳に追加, Internal Medicineのページの著作権英和・和英辞典情報提供元は参加元一覧にて確認できます。, ピン留めアイコンをクリックすると単語とその意味を画面の右側に残しておくことができます。, internal medicine and connective tissue disorders, Internal medicine of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Weblio英和対訳辞書はプログラムで機械的に意味や英語表現を生成しているため、不適切な項目が含まれていることもあります。ご了承くださいませ。, クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「Internal Medicine」の意味, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA). Indicate all abstracts as "(Abstract). Indicate the institution of each author (city and country) at time of study. Letters do not exceed 400 words of manuscript text with no more than 5 references. Internal Medicineの意味や使い方 音節intèrnal médicine名詞内科;内科学 - 約1171万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 If duplicate submission or any unethical conduct is found, all authors listed in a manuscript will be held responsible and are subject to severe punitive measures by the Editorial Committee of Internal Medicine. open_in_new Link to source ; warning Request revision ; 整腸 . When including a photograph, which a patient is identifiable, the patient's informed consent and the agreement to publish must be submitted. News » View All. When arrows are used in the figure, indicate the specific feature in the figure legend followed by "(arrow)". Intern Med encourages submission of previously unpublished original manuscripts: experimental research article, clinical case and review articles. Tables and Figures should be uploaded separately from the main document. However manuscripts reporting treatments using pharmaceutical products with animal-derived ingredients (vaccines, immune serums and other biological preparations), and reports of clinical trials with administration of animal-derived ingredients may be considered for review. The title should be concise and contain up to 8 words and there should be no more than 4 pictures. SUB MENU. Include them in the text as "(unpublished observation)","(personal communications)", or "(manuscript in preparation)", with authors' initials and surnames. 28-8, Hongo 3-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8433
アナルズ・オブ・インターナル・メディシン(英語:Annals of Internal Medicine、略表記:Ann Intern Med)は、米国内科学会 (en:American College of Physicians)によって発行される医学学術雑誌である。同誌は内科分野の研究記事や評論記事を掲載する。 現在の編集長はクリスティン・レイン (Christine Laine)である。 Internal Medicine will not accept articles, other than in the case of abstracts, in which a significant portion of the data in the form of figures and tables has been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. There is no word limit, figure/table limit for this category of manuscript. 世界五大医学雑誌(せかいごだいいがくざっし)は、掲載する論文のインパクトファクターの高さにより国際的に信頼されている5種類の総合医学雑誌(英語版)である[1]。通称・ビッグファイブ[2]、またはビッグ5[3]。, 有限会社医学英語総合サービスは「世界五大医学ジャーナル」[4]、日本大学薬学部は「世界五大医学誌」の表記を採用する[5]。, インパクトファクターは、Journal Citation Reportsにて2018年9月20日に発表された2017年のもの[4]。, 『New England Journal of Medicine』 - マサチューセッツ内科外科学会が発行(IF=79.260)[6], 『JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) 』 - 米国医師会が発行(IF=47.661)[8], 『BMJ (British Medical Journal)』 - 英国医師会が発行(IF=23.562)[9], 『Annals of Internal Medicine』 - 米国内科学会が発行(IF=19.384)[11], また、これらに『JAMA Internal Medicine』(IF=19.989)(以前はArchives of Internal Medicineと呼ばれていた)を加えて「世界六大医学雑誌」とすることもある[12]。, これらはいずれも、19世紀から20世紀の初頭にかけて創刊された雑誌で、長い歴史を持つ。五大医学雑誌以外では、20世紀後半からNature Medicine (IF=32.621)、Archives of Internal Medicineなどが台頭している。また、医学の特定分野のリーダー的雑誌も存在する(Circulation、Chest、Cancerなど)。, 下記脚注は、五大医学雑誌以外の文献で「五大医学雑誌として知られるランセットによると…」のような言及をされたケースを含む。, JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), 今月のテーマ:電子ジャーナル“JAMA”“NEJM”~効果的に機能を使いこなそう!~, https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=世界五大医学雑誌&oldid=78395016. Update on Antithrombotic Therapy after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Wetzler M, Bloomfield CD. The editors of the Internal Medicine welcome concise original articles devoted to internal medicine and its subspecialities. 2);(Table 3)]. The Society reserves copyright and renewal on all published material and such material may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Society. trips, travel, or gifts, which are not related to research): 50,000 Yen or more annually. Amazon.co.jp: スモールアニマル・インターナルメディスン 上巻: 長谷川 篤彦, 辻本 元, リチャード・ウィリアム・ネルソン, C.ギラルモ・コウト: 本 In such case, the authors are encouraged to re-submit under the category of Pictures in Clinical Medicine. *Please provide your COI in the "Personal Financial Interests" section of the manuscript submission system. Authors: Yuichi Saito and Yoshio Kobayashi, The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Include first name, degree, and affiliation for all authors. It promotes improved patient care, research, and education in primary care, general internal medicine, and hospital medicine. A list of two to six key words and subjects that will be useful for indexing or searching should be added to the bottom of the abstract page. Copyright © Benesse Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. Title: Update on Antithrombotic Therapy after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Copies of material that might be considered as prior or duplicate publication should be submitted with the manuscript and clearly marked as such so as not to be confused with the actual manuscript submitted. Title: Current Use and Future Needs of Noninvasive Ambulatory Electrocardiogram Monitoring
If the official English translation of the name of the journal is printed on the cover,include the English name in parentheses after the original name. Intern Med is indispensable for clinical physician, internal medicine specialists and academicians and accepts articles from wide range within the field of Internal Medicine. Make decimals, broken lines, etc., strong enough for reproduction when reduced to column width, two-column width, or intermediate width. Accepted Articles are published as Advance Publications. This is also required when resubmitting a manuscript that was previously rejected. The author(s) should respond rapidly when the Editorial Board requests the author to submit his/her reply to the letters. Please cite the articles when they are useful to your research. Using parentheses, cite each reference, figure and table in numerical order [ex. Advance Publications are available for rapid publication. No article has been found that matches the search query. Sample references are as follows: Number pages in sequence after last page of references. Clinical studies using unapproved or off-label drugs must include a statement that the study was approved by the authors’ affiliated institutions and patients. Provide inclusive page numbers for all journal references and book chapters, and the specific page numbers for book references. If only the abstract is in English,include "(Abstract in English)". FAX: +81-3-3818-1556. Springer-Verlag, London, 1997:89-120. (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/im), you will receive a submission confirmation e-mail, which contains the instruction for making a payment. Internal Medicine will not accept manuscripts that report exclusively the results of animal experiments. Do not combine very large type with very small type; all lettering should be of approximately equal size. Internal Medicine (Intern Med) is peer-reviewed, open-access online academic journal published every two weeks by the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments. George Skowronski, Michael J. O’Leary, Christine Critchley, Lisa O’Reilly, Cynthia Forlini, Narcyz Ghinea, Linda Sheahan, Cameron Stewart and Ian Kerridge Based on the evaluation by the reviewers and the editors, the editorial board decides whether the manuscript is either accepted for publication, returned for revision, or denied publication. Articles must be prepared in accordance with "Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals" (http://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf), must be contributed solely to the Internal Medicine, and become the property of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. アナルズ・オブ・インターナル・メディシン(英語:Annals of Internal Medicine、略表記:Ann Intern Med)は、米国内科学会 (en:American College of Physicians)によって発行される医学学術雑誌である。同誌は内科分野の研究記事や評論記事を掲載する。現在の編集長はクリスティン・レイン (Christine Laine)である。, 「アナルズ・オブ・インターナル・メディシン」の2014年のインパクトファクターは17.81であり[1]、これは同誌が最も引用の多い医学雑誌のひとつに数えられることを示している。この値は「ジャーナル・オブ・ジ・アメリカン・メディカル・アソシエーション」、「ランセット」、「ニューイングランド・ジャーナル・オブ・メディシン」のみによって上回られる。2009年の「アナルズ・オブ・インターナル・メディシン」の発行部数はおよそ90,000部である。, 1927年に創刊されて以来、1988年まで「アナルズ・オブ・インターナル・メディシン」は月に2回発行されてきた。前主任編集長のエドワード・ハス (en:Edward Huth)は、同誌の歴史の詳説を出版している。[2][3], 1993年からの版のアーカイブが、テキスト形式とPDF形式(1999年から)とで、アナルズ・オブ・インターナル・メディシンのウェブサイト上で閲覧できる。6か月以上前の版が無料で閲覧できるほか、発展途上国ではすべての記事に無料でアクセスが可能である。, アナルズ・オブ・インターナル・メディシン (Annals of Internal Medicine), 2014 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2015), “Annals of Internal Medicine at age 75: reflections on the past 25 years”, http://www.annals.org/cgi/content/full/137/1/34, “Manuscript quality before and after peer review and editing at Annals of Internal Medicine”, http://www.annals.org/cgi/content/full/121/1/11, https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=アナルズ・オブ・インターナル・メディシン&oldid=73171761, 1987年:4月号に、アブストラクトを体系的につくる提案が掲載され、最初の体系的アブストラクトが発行された。, 1997年:有意性検定のベイズ変換の使用のガイドラインが、著者向け案内に含まれるようになった。. 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