A 50th anniversary edition, available only in black, had optional brown lizard skin leather. To obtain full advantage of the Shutter-priority mode, the lens must be set to its minimum aperture. Next to the wind-on lever is the frame counter, and behind it on the camera back, a film "safe load" indicator. Fewer black models were made, and they typically command a higher price on the used market today. I wasn't aware that the later Rs were related to the XD-11 (which happens to be my favorite Minolta). It is lifted to open the back. In 1977, Minolta was the first manufacturer to combine both TTL aperture-priority and shutter-priority automation in one SLR camera body, this was the Minolta XD-7 / XD-11. The camera TTL exposure meter is very accurate and covers light levels from EV 1 through EV 18, with off-the-film metering for precise measurement of the amount of light striking the film during exposure. Easiest way to recognize these versions are through a few small detail changes: Camerapedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Outwardly this development is reflected in other small changes, and five successive versions of XD's are distinguishable. On the left-hand side is the film rewind knob on top of the film speed dial. 与徕卡沾亲带故(共用许多零部件和工艺,比如黑色涂料就来自徕卡专有的电镀工艺)。, XD最匹配的镜头为MD镜头,MD镜头是在MC镜头的基础上,增加了快门速度优先功能。XD如果使用MC镜头,就不能实现快门优先;XD如果使用MC之前的Auto Rokkor PF 镜头,就不能测光。, XD在当时是以先进著称,今天仍以操作方便,手感上乘,功能齐全,造型优雅,产量不高等因素,受到追捧,被许多人认为是美能达最好的手动单反相机,价值在X-700之上。不过,客观地看,XD也有缺点,存在质量问题,常见的比如饰皮脱离,电子快门失灵等,另外在功能上毕竟不是专业机,只是高级业余级别的相机。, 第四代:曝光补偿锁钮向内(指向相机内侧),速度盘上的 “125” 数字为绿色。这种锁钮向内的版本很少(XD-s除外,XD-s各代的钮锁都是向内的)。, 第五代:新 “MINOLTA” 铭牌(大写字母,1981年开始使用),其他与第四代相同。这是稀少版本,美洲没有发售,只在XD7 和 XD-s上看到。中国市场上不少,有些人以为这种XD7是中国版,其实欧洲也有。, 在历代改进中,电子元件及操作系统的精密度和可靠性得到提高,更换了快门廉片,避免粘连;将软饰皮更换成硬饰皮,避免收缩脱离。饰皮脱离问题直到第三代前期还时有发生,如果看到一个蒙着漂亮的类似鳄鱼皮的XD,说明是换过皮的,多半是第一代、第二代、甚至第三代。, 1981年 Minolta X-700 问世,成为美能达主推机型。XD 虽然一直销售到1984年,但具体哪年停产的不是很确定。1981年之后的第五代带新铭牌的 XD 产量很少则是事实。, XD有银色和黑色两种。黑色产量少,由于采用了徕卡的特殊电镀工艺,镀层是坚固的黑色金属氧化物,比别的相机上的黑漆耐磨损。所以黑版价高。, 总之,好品相的黑色第五代最具收藏价值;其次是黑色第四代(XD-s除外)。它们不仅量少,质量也是相对较高的。, 1979年出了个50周年纪念版,注意这只是纪念美能达公司创立50周年,而不是XD相机发布50周年,它属于第二代XD,除了相机前面的“50 Anniversary” 字样,没有什么特殊之处。, 几十年过去,如今XD二手市场的价格颇高,与尼康FA相近。平心而论,XD无论在功能上还是可靠性方面都不如FA。为什么XD如此受待见呢?价格是由供求关系决定的。尼康爱好着如果要买高端手动相机,除了FA,还可以选F3,F2,FM3A,甚至FE2或FM2。而美能达爱好者想要一款高端机,除了寥寥无几的XK(或称XM、X-1),就只有XD了,而且 XD产量低,市面上好的XD就更少,再加上与徕卡有点沾亲带故,所以价格就推高了。类似的情况也可以从 Pentax LX上看到:LX是宾得唯一的专业级35mm 手动单反,加上其产量只有尼康F3/F2的零头,宾得爱好者在专业机的选择很有限,所以尽管 LX 不如尼康可靠,它今天的二手价格仍高于F3。, 美能达XD的魅力经久不衰,拥有不少粉丝。许多人冒着故障机的风险也要购买,似乎有一种“拼死吃河豚”的劲头。我建议还是先做足功课,做一个有知识的粉丝吧。, 徕卡是35毫米旁轴相机之王,当尼康F于1959年问世并掀起强劲的单反热潮时,徕卡没有把单反视为威胁,人们常说“失败乃成功之母”,我要说“成功乃失败之母”。徕卡在旁轴领域非常成功,在单反这一新的领域不思进取,勉强在1964年推出的 Leicaflex 单反系列在商业上很不成功,甚至要赔本销售。直到1970年代中期,徕卡才醒悟过来,看到了单反的巨大市场,但为时晚矣,它在技术上已无力推出能与尼康等日本厂家竞争的单反产品,只好寻求与美能达合作,以美能达 XE为蓝本,推出 Leica R3单反相机,许多部件与美能达共用,只是在徕卡工厂(德国及葡萄牙)组装。Leica R4,R5,R6,R7则以美能达XD为蓝本,它们与XD一样存在某些质量问题,R4的问题尤其多,R6.2是总体评价最好的相机。 R8(1996)与R9(2000)则完全由徕卡自己开发生产,不过反响并不很大。总之,徕卡的单反相机R系列远不如其旁轴M系列成功,如果不是为了使用徕卡镜头(徕卡 R 镜头数量很小!),个人认为买R系列相机意义不大。. Many professional photographers have used the XD-7. Nevertheless, some miracle happened and we really got something new. the third version also has this tab in the outboard location, but the '125' number on the shutter speed dial is in green colour (on earlier versions it is in white). A full range of flashguns was available, including the top-of-the-line 320X which featured swivel/bounce and thyristor circuitry, the Auto Electroflash 200X, down to the ultra-compact 118x. The finder window may be closed by flipping a small lever next to it, preventing stray light entering the exposure meter in automatic mode using a remote release. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Thanks! Easiest way to recognize these versions are through a few small detail changes: These XD with special leatherette were only offered in the domestic market, and only with the black paint finish. And commenting on others' photos is, of course, encouraged. The camera also offered fully metered manual exposure as well as depth of field preview and an eyepiece shutter. These cameras were on the market from their introduction until 1984. In 1977, Minolta was the first manufacturer to combine both TTL aperture-priority and shutter-priority automation in one SLR camera body, this was the Minolta XD-7 / XD-11. Over its lifespan, The XD series underwent continuing development focusing on improving the precision and reliability of its electronics and operating systems. XD11/XD/XD7 User Manual in English (Rapidshare download), https://camerapedia.fandom.com/wiki/Minolta_XD_series?oldid=127703, the earliest version has the exposure compensation tab (under the. the fifth generationion has the new Minolta logo engraved on its front nameplate, which is a separate part from the top cover. It was Minolta's first SLR camera to feature both shutter priority and aperture priority automatic exposure modes. It was available in both chrome and black finishes. The shutter is of the vertical-travel Seiko variety and is particularly quiet. Compare the XE-7 with the R3, for example. The "A" indicates Aperture-priority mode and the "S" Shutter-priority mode. (Also, much other information in this article was given to me by Andrea, include the scan of the USA contest promotional article from the press. Fewer black models were made, and they typically command a higher price on the used market today. The mode switch next to the shutter-speed dial has three positions: "M" (manual), "Auto - A" and "Auto - S". LEDs show the chosen exposure time)image by Uwe Kulick (Image rights). This too has fixed finder and the vertical running metal blade shutter, as well as the bright viewfinder with the convenient exposure meter scale to the right, for either manual or automatic operation. The "A" indicates Aperture-priority mode and the "S" Shutter-priority mode. Only a couple of months have passed since the publication of the first article. A lever at the edge of the dial allows from +2 to -2 exposure compensation. It has a full set of papers for the USA market, Additionally, it has two manuals in Franch language: XD-7 manual, All serials of box/papers/lens/camera are matching, I can’t be sure for 100%, but it seems to me that this box-set is full. So, let’s start with the XD-s. The mode switch next to the shutter-speed dial has three positions: "M" (manual), "Auto - A" and "Auto - S". XDならではのまろやかで上品なシャッター音を聴くと 何でも許せてしまうのですよねぇ。。。 コンパクトでスタイリッシュなボディも含めて 何とも小悪魔的に魅力的な1台です。 ↓ をクリックすると「東京フィルムカメラ修理工房」のホームに戻ります。 为机械快门,平时可作为电源开关;6. The Leica R4 is based on this camera body. Overview. The XD-7 was the top-of-the-line Minolta camera when it was in production and retains a reputation for quality. In a special version, this Minolta Acute-Matte screen was also made available for Hasselblad. 1977年推出的 Minolta XD 是美能达与徕卡合作的产物,Leica R4,R5,R6,R7 就是建立在 Minolta XD 之上的。打开 Minolta XD 与 Leica R6 的底盖(下图,图片转自Gus Lazzari),可以看到二者内部结构惊人相似,你能分出哪个是徕卡、哪个是美能达吗?, XD是日本的名称,在北美洲称为XD11,在欧洲及其他地区(包括中国)称为XD7,三者是同一东西。1979年在日本本土上市一款XD-s,将XD的目镜遮光帘改为屈光调节。, XD的亮点为:1. At the bottom centre is the actual aperture ring setting visible. Moreover, we are talking about things that are already about 40 years old. The following day he would have been 86. Stepless control of shutter speeds in aperture-priority auto-exposure mode. At the right side Introduced in 1979, the XD-5 was mostly identical to the XD-7 but without some higher-end features like the eyepiece shutter or the display of the selected shutter speed in the viewfinder in manual exposure mode. 首创光圈及快門双优先的自动曝光模式,兼具手动曝光;2. )coated XD and XD-s Medical w/ winder, the first generation has the exposure compensation tab (under the. is just a suggestion, not mandatory. Kazuo Tashima becomes chairman of the company between 1982 and 1985, and on Tuesday November 19 of that final year he dies of kidney failure in a Kobe hospital. I remember in some brochures of the X-700 was mentioned as an improvement the fact that the bayonet metal was made of “sintered steel” (or sintering I don’t know the right English word) . Angle finder V and a B setting that operates independently of battery power ( )! 'S LEDs showing chosen aperture ( in shutter priority mode S, in special. 1968, Minolta returns to space with the R3, for which it provides the space meter 1° offered. 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