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I had lived in many different aparments before. For example, Rue Lepic was an open space.
But there is always a constant: I need space and light. That’s probably why, when I walked into this flat, I immediately decided to take it.
In decoration matter, I’m bored by trends. One or two objects from 1950s but not the whole apartment. I hate what is cheap or expected and I prefer not to buy rather to buy cheap.
I hate total looks. I really enjoy combinations : an Empire chair, a writing desk of Louis-Philippe, a clock of Louis XVI, a table from 1940s. And I pile up things even though I dream of a minimalist interior.
I often go to the Avant-Scène gallery where I can hardly resist to Hubert le Gall creations and to charming owner, Elisabet Delacarte. I could furnish my interior only with this gallery !
I discovered photography few years ago at Vu gallery with Gilou le Gruiec, the gallerist who has become a friend. The gallery was closed but Gilou has opened his door and I bought there my first photography from the artist Castro Prieto.
Since then, I buy there regularly and I would buy anything from Michael Ackermann.
The interior of my home is really important for me because I spend here a lot of time. I feel good in here and when it’s sunny outside I can spend the whole day seating on the terrace without feeling the need to go out. When I’m in Paris, I actually become a home-lover.
Maybe it’s also because I have the chance to go on a trip for a week-end or longer. My last firm-favorites: Amsterdam, Hong Kong and especially Hawaï this summer.
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Une superbe galerie qui présente une nouvelle génération de créateurs baroques
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Pour faire entrer un peu d’exotisme et de poésie chez soi
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Le nouveau Concept Store de Ventilo qui mélange, céramiques,
mobilier chiné, livres, vêtements. On se croirait chez soi !
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Pour de très beaux livres sur l’art, l’architecture et la mode et pour y croiser Karl.
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Plein de jolis objets pour la maison dans une ambiance "cabinet de curiosités"
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Une sélection d’objets design, branchés et singuliers
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Une librairie spécialisée en architecture et urbanisme
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Une excellente librairie de quartier
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