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Claudie, Joseph’s (6 years old), Victor’s (4 ½ years old) and Rose’s (1 ½ years old) grandmother
What has changed in your life once you have become a grandmother?
At first I was shy, clumsy and very anxious but once I have moved into a second level: an eternal wonder and a real desire to enjoy it…
The mother you were and the grandmother you are – are they different from each other?
With my daughters I used to be very impatient, wanting to see them grow quickly. Now I enjoy every moment without thinking of the future.
What do you want to pass down to your grandchildren?
I would like them to become curious about everything and to make them enjoy every little thing of the everyday life.
What do you like to do with them?
I like to explain them the history of France through the statues we find when we walk in Paris. I love to cycle with them in Belle Île, watch Charlot at home or to take a breakfast in bed with a big brioche bought especially for them!
Your favorite places in Paris or elsewhere with them
Spending time on Saint Louis island and going for a Berthillon ice-cream; going to the Louvre to say hello to the beautiful Sphinx, eating Embruns crêpes at Sauzon and going on the Donnant beach in Belle Ile to play in the waves with them.
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Pour une délicieuse glace assis dans leur salon de thé
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Aller y goûter dès un rayon de soleil dans ce jardin secret en plein cœur de Paris
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Pour faire une pause déjeuner avec le meilleur croque-monsieur de Paris
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