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What kind of mom are you?
A “raven” mom: when they want to do something far from me, I let them do it. I was raised that way. We spend a lot of time together but I also encourage them to go, to do things away from me.
But in the same time Sébastien, my husband, is a real “hen” mom!
I want them to have confidence: in their opinions, their feelings. And they can have it by having experiences outside the family.
3 children, 3 moms!
I took a lot of free time when Félix was born: I could really experience this first birth. When Rita came to this world I did exactly the opposite. For Simone I took a little bit more of time.
I have a very different relationship with each of them, according to their needs and their temperaments. But it’s up to them to set the pace.
What I learnt by becoming a mom
I learnt a lot about myself! Becoming a parent gives you a lot of introspective work in order to pass down things you really care about and believe in. It forces you to face with yourself.
Passing down
I want them to have confidence in themselves, in their opinions. But also in life, I want them to be optimist and ambitious, believe that everything is possible.
My advice
To be able to listen! And to express their desires and what they are. Both with Sebastien, we are not judging them.
What makes me proud
Their emotional intelligence. They think a lot about others, about the outside world. It’s a character trait that everyone in the family has.
No-kids break allowed
We often go to Nîmes (address in my address book below) in a hidden place to relax: essential with our jons and three children.
Every three months we also try to take a trip together either in Europe or we benefit from my business trips to stay alone far from the others.
My organizational tips
Sunday pancakes during the week: super practical because everything is timed in the morning with 3 kids to prepare for school!
And then I also make them responsible for tasks at home: cleaning their rooms etc.
Next family plans
The beautiful Chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte.
And also candlelight evenings during the summer: magical!
Our little pleasures
When we watch classical movies all together. We order japanes food and we have dinner while watching a good movie. It’s a party time!
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Parce qu’il y a toujours des trucs a faire et les kids adorent
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Un super service pédiatrique avec des horaires hyper larges 7 jours /7
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Parce que ses collections donnent presqu’envie d’avoir plus d’enfants
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Incroyable lieu en pleine Toscane, résidence Artistes, pour aller avec des enfants
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Pour une parfaite escapade en amoureux avec son Spa privatif
et ses divins massages, mais à garder secret !
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