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With my children…
Oh dear ! They are in their important age so I'm very present. I pay a lot of attention on homeworks for example. I also try to give them a passion for sports: tennis, skiing...
I also try to make them curious, so that they will like reading, I show them the films I watched when I was a child, great classics...
What I want to pass them down
Childhood memories with discovering new things, family moments in the mountains or the Basque region. That they feel loved and supported, it helps a lot. I want to give them three flagship values: respect, work, courage.
My favorite workshops and classes
Theater Atelier Arlequin in Neuilly, Bérénice is great.
Tennis in Megève in the summer, on the plateau of Mont d'Arbois: the Jean-Lou Fabro courses, his technique that is highly pedagogical.
Culture: spot.net tours, always successful and divinely organized.
Next family holiday
I dream of Cambodia, which nature and landscapes seem to take your breath away.
No-kids break allowed ...
Never! Or weekends between friends, the last one was in Crans Montana, in a completely crazy hotel... to find in my address list below.
Some tips to share about organization
I think a lot of moms have the same as me: doing "to do list" for everything. Mine is compartmentalized and copied every night. A real mania!
Next family outings
The Rodin Museum and the Hergé exhibition at the Grand Palais
Our little pleasures
To see Romain’s magic show, it’s his passion, he is very good! To watch movies on weekends with Emma such as Belle and Sébastien ...
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
La meilleure librairie pour enfants, le meilleur moyen de faire aimer et découvrir la lecture
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Pour les jupes et les petits cardigans, j’aime cette marque anglaise,
des coupes simples et de très jolies silhouettes
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Tissus Ralph Lauren chez Designers Guild : pour des tonalités douces et confortables
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Les plus belles poupées que je connaisse, le concept est fou, il y a toujours une poupée
qui ressemble à l’enfant, les habits sont magnifiques. Il y a même un coiffeur
au premier étage du magasin de New-York
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