Morning Routine
Over time I must admit that my routine becomes longer ! In the morning I spray Caudalie face moisturizing lotion and mist on my face. Then I put a Sisley moisturizer and a light foundation. No make-up or sometimes a little bit of Chanel gloss or Delarom balm. When it’s sunny I also apply Sisley’s solar cream SPF 50+.
Evening Routine
I apply Caudalie’s make-up remover, then once again the moisturizing lotion and the mist. I finish with Sisley’s night cream.
Once a week I apply a rose mask from Sisley that tenders and illuminates my skin.
Once a month I go to my excellent beautician Jane de Busset for a skin cleansing and a facial massage.
In the evening I apply Caudalie or Nuxe body milk because it’s not only the face that changes with time. On the summer I prefer oils like l’Huile Prodigieuse de Nuxe.
But my real luxure for years now is a massage at home. My masseur Stéphanie is wonderful.
I have used the same Eau d’Hadrien of Annick Goutal for 30 years. From time to time I alternate it with Hermès, l’Eau d’Orange Verte.
I also like Diptyque perfumes: l’Eau Néroli and l’Eau de L’Eau.
For hair
Classic but so effective : Léonor Greyls products. I use seaweed Bain Volumateur or honey Shampoo.
And what has really changed are the treatments I take every 2 weeks in their place. Sylvie takes really care of me. Cathy’s great for manicures. They last at least a week and I don’t even have to pay a special attention to them!
I have a classic dance and ballet classes since almost forever. I cannot do without it anymore, it constitutes my balance. Twice or three times a week I take classes at Stanlowa. And I use Vélib’ all the time: to see my grandchildren, an exhibition or a film. That’s the best of anti-depressants and anti-age things I know!
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Pour des cheveux soignés (Sylvie) et une manucure qui tient (Cathy)
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Pour des cours de barre au sol
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Une dermatologue très sérieuse
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Une esthéticienne hyper compétente et qui fait ses produits elle même
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Une masseuse à domicile qui redessine la silhouette