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Being a parent
I am a super cool mom, not at all a "mother hen". I let the children having a lot of freedom and autonomy. On the other hand, there are rules of behavior, politeness, education, but I do not brood them.
Becoming a parent is a long, intense and perpetually evolving exercise.
I hate the "well, I’m just like this" sentence. For me one does not remain frozen, we all evolve and adapt. Others and especially our children who help us. My children have made me becoming more mature.
I also hope that I will always be able to accept them. In order to create strong relationships and so that our children always have the same pleasure in gathering around our table, we must show them benevolence, humility and tolerance.
A real job every day!
What I want to pass down
To help them to believe in themselves and in their choices. It is the work of a whole life to assert oneself, not to be complexed by ones choices, tastes, desires.
I am obsessed with the idea of making them independent and free beings.
Family life
It's not always easy as they are three and I am alone with them most of the time, due to my husband's schedule, Pastry Chef in a great restaurant.
I had never imagined having children so soon. But my husband was in a hurry... Finally I am happy that all the "work" is almost finished now, before my 40 years!
The arrival of Simon and the number 3 are very strong for me. We are a "real" family.
I love to project myself and imagine myself as the head of our "tribe", with children and grandchildren. This is also why I want a big house: to receive and gather everyone.
My advice
Be yourself and believe in yourself. And be respectful. Criticism, easy judgment do not go with respect.
Our holidays
Generally we go to the Ocean. With Zoe we had gone to Finland, but since the boys were born we have not really traveled. I imagine all five of us in a few years, crisscrossing Europe. And especially in Spain, where I have my roots and my family. My children are bilingual.
My Organizational Tips
Arrange meals in advance at the beginning of the weekend.
Have a planned menu once a week to avoid thinking about it! At our home, we have a home made pizza every Saturday night.
Do not impose baths every day, especially in winter.
Help each other between mothers and neighbors. For example to accompany children to school.
Next family actions
All together in Annecy and sleeping under a tepee here
Our little happiness
Spending time all five of us because it's rare.
To discover the rest of my story, click here
Une aire de jeux digne d’un parc d’attractions, avec des toboggans géants, génial pour les grands !
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Incontournable à Lyon. Balade, manège, les jardins botaniques, les serres et son zoo gratuit
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De belles idées déco pour la chambre des enfants, des jouets en bois et une sélection de marques décalées
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