Beauty Routine
I don’t have a particular ritual, I’m really bad at this sector. So I prefer to leave it to my friend Caroline who handles this area for me. After tying the whole Nuxe collection, she gave me a Clarins kit. Day and night creams and a serum are perfect.
In the makeup area, I have one obsession: red lipsticks that give the energy. My favorite ones are from Nars(Velvet Matte Lip Pencil). The Red Square is the one I wear at the moment, it doesn’t leave my bag.
I tried eyelash extension and it really changes the look and the whole face. I do it at Olivier Gay, a real professional.
In matter of perfumes as in every other area, I don’t choose those of femme fatale that I like, but those of Annick Goutal's Eau d’Hadrien, or Néroli Cologne. Guerlain’s Eau de Cologne too: Eau Imperiale or Eau de Fleurs de Cédrat. And also Caron’s Pour Un Homme, the perfum of my grand-father.
To be honest, it’s same as for my face: it’s not one of my concerns. My hairdresser is the same for a long time: Ingrid at Sariano.
For the treatments I go to Carita. Philomene is a real colors magician! And I have recently discovered a miracle product from this place: the Crème Caresse, to apply either on wet or dry hair.
I don’t really have a sport routine neither but I go with my friends to a swimming pool, floor barre clases or Swedish gym. I also like to follow sport classes provided by Eglise Americaine that are outdoor on quays all year. And when I need more regularity, I have a private coach once or twice per week: OVAD (06 25 25 25 45) who adapts himself to my moods and needs!
But my real pleasure is to try spas. I appreciate Blend at Royal Monceau or the “Temple du massage chinois” (you can find them in my address book below).
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Un vrai spécialiste du regard
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Pour une couleur parfaite, demander Philomène
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Pour des supers brushings, avec Ingrid
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Pour une manucure parfaite
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Un SPA génial aussi bien pour le visage que pour le corps
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Le Temple des massages chinois. Parmi le plus pro. et le plus efficaces des SPA que j'ai essayé
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Pour un Coach sportif à domicile