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What kind of mother are you?
I’m rather hyperactive and all-rounder. Being mom is what satisfies me the most.
I think that I’m also firm. I have no tolerance to whims that I always try to foil. So as they understood that it doesn’t work at home, they don’t even try anymore.
But they also know that I endlessly love them: I tell them this at least ten times a day! And even though I show them authority, my biggest priority is to establish a great complicity between us.
Besides that, I often have some crazy ideas and they have a lot of surprises… Sometimes I interrupt their everyday life by taking them to a concert at Bercy in the middle of a week!
As they grow up, they also have their social life, their little world that I try to understand to be able to know what is going on inside their heads and to help them to manage their emotions.
And I don’t want to miss any important event for them: sports awards, choir concerts, they know that their father and I are always their best fans and supporters!
I will be proud of myself as a mother, if I give them a strength of character and enough confidence to think that they are able to do anything they want to.
To play?
Today they play almost all the time together, so we have a lot of board games and cards. And as we are not geeks, video games haven’t invaded their lives yet, even though some of our iPhone applications attract them.
As I’m a bit compulsive in this matter, I can stop almost everywhere for shopping, H&M , Bonpoint… In general I find a nice brands selection at my friends shop Cutie Pie and Maralex. From time to time I allow them to choose what makes them happy… That’s what explains their T-shirts with horrible serigraphs or PJs with images of their heros made with a really bad quality… During my trips I buy more exclusive things, for example at Tricot Field in New York or Tokyo. Every product has a really high quality level what’s rare in children’s chothes… They’re amazing!
Our little pleasures
Taking time with each of them. Having breakfast at a café or eating at la Pâtisserie des Rêves at any time, just because we’re nearby! Showing them some artists or videoclips that I like or use to like… They love more than anything when we tell them some stories of “when we were young”.
Dream holidays with your family
Our children can have fun anywhere, so we choose holidays not too far and where we can relax as parents too, for example in Apulia or in the south of France. And now as Zenta has shown up, we need to wait a little bit to go for a road trip in USA or to travel to more exotic places.
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
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