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Guided tour
For a long time in my life I had lived nearby Jardins du Luxembourg and for me the idea to move to the 16th neighborhood wasn’t even conceivable.
But after two years of unsuccessful searching, we fell in love with this apartment. It was neither the neighborhood, nor the planned budget but we didn’t hesitate! The volumes, the 1930s architecture and the view charmed us!
In terms of style, it is rather uncluttered in our place. I must say that the structure of the apartment was so impressive, so beautiful that we didn’t want to change anything. That’s why we chose a sober and simple decoration from 1960s/70s.
In fashion I often make radical choices, but for home I’m afraid of being quickly bored. So I prefer to choose classics and some designers works. As for instant our table and bookcase George Nelson, Gino Sarfatti’s light, some furnitures from Knoll and then some things bought at flea markets. I also like to buy at Fleux, or Tsé Tsé.
But my real decoration obsession is the table! Tablecloths, especially made with wax, that I find near my office – Boulevard St Denis or at Marché St Pierre – and my tableware that I buy as at flea markets as at Ikea.
Discover the rest of my universe HERE
Pour leur choix immense de papiers peints
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Pour des parfums raffinés, féminins, notamment la bougie Eau d’Hadrien
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Une sélection pointue de beaux livres sur l’art contemporain, la mode…
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Un classique pour des pièces exceptionnelles créées en édition limitée
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Idéal pour les cadeaux : meubles design, déco d’enfants, arts de la table, papeterie…
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Pour trouver des valeurs sûres comme Jean Prouvé, Charles et Ray Eames, Arne Jacobsen ou les lampes que nous adorons de Gino Sarfati
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Une mine d’or pour y dénicher notamment de la vaisselle originale
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Pour les sublimes mosaïques graphiques à mettre au mur ou au sol
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